Tuesday, October 13, 2009

World War Four; Sticks and Stones

I believe is was Einstein who said that he did not know what kind of weapons will be used in the third world war, but he knows that world war four will be fought with stones and sticks.

I'm flipping through the news channels today and it's getting pretty fucking sick. I don't believe we get any single non bias station out here in Buffalo. All I'm left to do is sip my coffee and read internet articles...and oh shit, what do I find? the pentagon grants $52 million on this HUGE new bomb, the MOP. This monstrosity of a bomb carries something like 5,300 lbs. of explosives, and will be used "only" to destroy "suspected weapons plants". I'll add the picture because sometimes the links to AOL news page don't really work out.

I have several complaints about this shit, and i'm thinking of calling the White House before they go too far. Health care was estimated t cost at leace $1 trillion, and they said "fuck it, no health care, we need t ospend moeny on alternative methods to rebuild the economy......oh shit, let's build this giant bomb to perpetuate a nuclear arms race and soon enough we'll exterminate %90 of the entire planet!" now, i want to not sound like a complete moron writing from one side uneducatedly bashing the whole MOP thing.

This whole nation must fear themselves. the hate that we solicit. I know it's not all of us, I know. The government is made up of a select ignorant elite group of people that does not reflect most americans at all, we have, some might say, a "Celebrity Chamber". We need to focus our thoughts on positivity and productivity. WWIII has already started, and if Iran really does have bombs (our old allies right??) then the U.S. is in for a fucking treat someday soon. We must stop our children from joining the armed forces, we must DEMAND a new way of American life and personal standards for the country we will in. Let Hollywood be it's own country, Obama and Congress can take it and fuck make Arnold the Sec of State.

Ghandi said, "you must be the change you wish to see in the world" and I'm the New America.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Re-Education for the Closed Minded

This land is a war zone. Typically, we sleep while we eat and we feed what we can't beat. This country fuels it's own fear; you make you scared. All they ever wanted was a place for being stubborn. Our forfathers built this nation just to tear it down. The liberties they searched for was the freedoms to feel hate, to be ignorant, to control others, and to live sedentary lives.

Excuse me if i drop the front of prose...some words are more imperative as straight text.

They are all acusing the Democrats of trying to brainwash kids into socialism. They is the GOP. Now, I am a Socialist, not a democrat. But I view politics from the stance of an Independent. And These conservatives are here, on the news, in the media, up to the same old same old routine of blabbing and bursting out bullshit opinions that are extremely closed minded and bullheaded, much like the democrats when Bush was in office. What urks me now, is the kids, again, are all getting mixed into this. The Dems are being accused of putting all these secret messages in cartoons and teaching the kids in school about socialist views...Did anyone ever stop to realize two things...

1) "Secret" Messages - Movies and cartoons have contained "hidden messages" (known as a "THEME" in literature terms...as an educated folk would know) since the dawn of film. America's Bill of Rights list the right of freedom of speech and artistic expression. The fact is, yes there was a political theme to The Wizard of Oz dealing with migrant workers in the dust bowl trying to make it to California, and YES there was a communist city filled with little blue people in the ever popular cartoon The Smurfs; but is looking at this as a form of brainwashing really logical, is it even practical? Even children's cartoons can carry heavy subplots and underlying tones and themes, this only makes me think more of the minds of people who were able to create these films and shows. to quote a friend of mine "People don't make movies or write books or songs to make you think the way that they do; they make them all, just to make you think." So is it practical to make such accusations? or is it just another FEAR TACTIC to make you defend your government and deny any material deemed as subversive? I as a musician take great offense to the folks out there calling "WITCH!"...

2) Re-Education on Socialism - Since the 1950's American's generally have a misconstrued view of communism and socialism. Even in the early 19th century during the Bolshevik Revolution and amongst Lenin and Trotsky taking control of a new Russian Union, communism wasn't quite revered as such a terrible concept. Facism on the other hand, was viewed as terrorism, and even the most conservative Americans still had an understanding of the seperation of the three. Hitler claimed to be moving as a socialist government, however he (obviously) didn't follow the same path as Carl Marx had philosophized. It wasn't until Senator McCarthy's avid witch hunt took place in the 1950's, then spawning the Cold War, that we as Americans started to fear an unfathomable imagery quite cartoonesque of our opponents.
To understand this common misconception, we must understand the American economy and how the Industrial Revolution perpetuated a class structure, and market based society into heavier effect.
Capitalism, breifly, is more than just Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand": a notion that describes humans as having the will and drive to work and to be productive and succesful. This economic system relies on divided labor. In short, we can conclude that capitalism was nothing more than the same old story of rich getting richer and poor folks staying poor. Early 20th century capitalists made their money off of the work of other people, which is a system still in place today in our job market.
Socialism, on the other hand, is simply a word used to protray a theory of a utopian environment in which the laborers collectively own the companies they work for. Think of it as grassroots democracy; instead of having representatives to choose how much you will make based upon an analysys of status quo, the status quo would be choosing for themselves how much to make, what benefits they will recieve, and so fourth. Marx idea of "Communism" is vastly idealistic and utopian in the way of a dream state. Socialism being the realistic existance of Marx and Ingels idealogy. In a communist state, citezens would have Smith's Invisible Hand telling them to work and be prosperous for the good of the nation. Which is idealistic due to the apathy of most human beings in this day and age.
In essence, socialism is equality and freedom. no rich and no poor. Conservatives only tell you that this means the government would control everything and everyone because they fear that their money and companies will be in jeopardy, which is true. The folks in power are the RICH, haven't you noticed? So to protect their bank accounts they tell you socialism will take away our freedoms, socialism in Cuba is horrific taking many political prisoners, socialism is anti God and anti America. Remember those liberties i spoke of in the first paragraph? Freedom to hate, freedom to be closed minded? now those are exagerations, but the only freedoms these conservatives (and most democrats to), these CAPTILALISTS are protecting is their right to make money, to take your job and give it to someone across the ocean for less than a dollar a day who requires NO benefits. They are protecting their ownfreedom to take money from the work of others. When they tell you it's in your protection, it is a blatant lie.
The so called "communist" nations that our government uses as fear tactics against the Socialist Movement, like Cuba, aren't really Marxist Commies at all. No, they are dictatorships with the promise of something they do not intend on delivering. Of course France and Canada, these are prosperous people choosing their own lives. In capitalism, we don't make our own choices freely, we just choose between regimented options set by the companie's owners.

Does socialism sound so bad in that aspect? even though i am a Socialist, I still fear the day the U.S. decides to openly embrace socialism, because i don't trust the government. Unlike France, the US government has a history of control and terror (you can research this on your own because this rant is long enough now...). When we do become socialists, will the GOVERNMENT own the companies, or will the workers? now, that is a thing to fear..... hoped i helped you thin kabout more than you usually do, and maybe opened an eye or two to the lies we were told. Read the Manifesto, it's not as bad of an idea as your parents thought.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Little Room in the Village

My whole life spent searching relentless for adulthood. No I'm force-grown and well fed. I had sent out misery signals over angels and airwaves. I procrastinate less in these latter days. All work, all sleep, all eat. No beef. Lack of drama and a future baby-momma.

I like it like this. A pentatonic hum--rolled on my snare--drum. I drink a beer for sleep before i brush my teeth. I wake up for work like my middle name was "Good Sleep". And this winter we're moving out. Found a house by my job. No more pushing papers for the stoner mob. And I found a new release in peace of mind and clarity.

Ten minutes of rock drumming every day before I'm on my way. I stretch when i wake up and it works out just fine. I am still trying to call Trisha sommmmmetime, because this friendship is crack and i can't get enough of her back!!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

so put a [bass / / snare / bass/ bass / snare] kind of beat box to this one in your heads.

i. am.
a fresh money maker with my prospects on the incline.
a second level dealer who's been dealing from a land line.
the first rate killer of the rap game, in prime-time.
i will be there standing as hip hop falls down to the ground, mang.

check your engine levels as we pull into the verse and
don't forget to reset all the verses you've rehearsed and
from the 50 milliliters. i put mine down first, mang.
so what's with the discussion over who must feel the worst.

i'm ten strip tripping, like we're going to hong kong.
my white paper stretches further, almost twice as long.

and anyways, i'm in the grade of some better men.
heard what tey're saying, and i'm trying to get some dividends.
my rap flow is so slow, can't freestyle.
but catch me at my desktop, and you know i put the beat down.

more on this later.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

and the Sun's Hiding in the Shade

So i broke her heart like that, right there in the driveway. One hundred bad reasons all rehearsed through summer season. And it's not alright for me to walk like this. Hunching over like the bad man carrying weight through the bad lands.

Honey, you were merely a transition. From lonely, to better. And from this point on, I'm honestly honest. Lacking of all inspiration.

And the last thing she said to me tonight was "i don't wanna just end up another song in another notebook you've been recording at another studio on another sober day between the haze of your drunken ways."

so maybe i'm a problem starter. sniffing glue and problem drinking. but these legs of mine can't kick no more, so he's sinking into his reclining chair. and i'm watching him throw away his old ways. relaxing into purity. and reclining. now channel flipping. now beer drinking. and now glue sniffing.

and god damn her voice is sad, but my face is smiling. so on and on, i'll be honestly honest.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

"I've got the Good Lord is going down on me!"

I wanna seem more subtle and indirect, rather than my latest vents of personal stress. Clearer than the clean glass on the tallest wreck. more turp to the canvas from the jar spilled in the back. washing clean the notes and words you've constructed. all spoiled the the crude oil, like a chalk board all erased up.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Emailing Prose to All Lost Souls

the weeping trees hung sweeping over the Old Mill and the roadway. On sunny Saturdays sitting casually by the lakeside, watching the auto's coming by. going by the water to gaze into the rippled murky reflections. beaming sun and blue sky perfections.
Caitlyn sat tiredly by the way side. feeding squirrels from her brown-bagged lunch. Doritos, Doritos; the squirrels away would munch.
"i'll miss you little friendly fuzzy creatures, with your wide eyes to humanity, and your cuddly buddy features. Miss you when i'm gone back home, away from text books and research paper trodden teachers." Said Caity to her brown eyed mates, all munching her brown-bagged lunch away.
my good freinds all say you can swallow the bad times away. bottle by bottles your troubles all mellow and you lack interest to meddle.
but Cait had a bad debt to settle. empty dorm room once over flowing with clothes, books about animals, and burnt cd's of underground hardcore bands. Those things now packed into cardboard amd moved out like piano players.
"back home to the B-lo" and then she drove seven hours.